Thursday, April 23, 2015

God's Perfect Will

I believe that I have the most awesome hubby... well he is the most awesome for me!  He would tell you that he is just an ordinary guy and doesn't know what the hubbub is all about but I know better.

He is amazing.  He is such a strong person.  He has been my rock in tough times and my shelter when the storms are raging.

When I am frantic and feeling crazy, he is that constant that keeps me steady.
When I am feeling ugly, he still tells me I am beautiful.
When I am hating the person I see in the mirror, he holds me close so I can hear the heart that beats for me.
When thing aren't going the way we planned or wanted, he says "That's okay, we'll do it a different way."
When I can't see how or why, he shrugs it off and knows that it doesn't matter how or why but that it will work out because we are together and are a team.
When my emotions are overwhelming, he stays quiet and lets me rant and cry until I get it all out, then snuggles me close feeding his energy back into my weary soul.

He works hard to give his family security and is fiercely protective of those who are dear to him.  Never hesitating to go the extra mile(s).  I cannot fathom life without him nor do I want to.  I watch him be the best Papa to his three beautiful children.  He asks their opinion in important decisions making them know that they are important to him and their opinion matters.  He works hard to allow them the things and activities that we never had as children.  In every area, he strives to give them a better life that he or I ever could have had.  

I love him fully and completely.  I will stand by his side and support him no matter what.  Not all decisions are made easily but the decision to marry this wonderful man was not one that I ever second guessed.  I would marry him again in a heartbeat.  

I am so very thankful for God's Perfect "Will" that he has given to me.  I will treasure him forever.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Homeschool 101

Homeschool lessons are not always learned by the student. I think even the "teacher" learns lessons. They just aren't the typical lesson.

Just before Spring Break, Elisabeth found herself two weeks behind. It wasn't anything that she did on purpose. It was more like "life happened." There was two Mondays , in a row, where we were gone and she was unable to do any of her regular schoolwork. The first time it happened she was working really hard on the following days. But on Tuesday, she had to do both Mondays AND Tuesdays work. On Wednesday, she was still behind and now had more work. It began to snowball. The next week, Monday was a wash again. Throwing her even more behind.

I kept pushing her to work and work harder. I even kept her working late I the afternoon. At least, those days we weren't going to ballet or guitar. All I could see was that she was very behind and catching up was the only option. I even told her that she may have to work through her Spring Break. Even though I knew she didn't want to do that, she understood and would do what was necessary.

However, the more I pushed, the more she mentally checked out. She was still working very hard but she was drowning. It was overwhelming her in great waves.

I began to notice the desperation in her demeanor and how the motivation to keep working super hard was waning.

We had a conversation and I told her to take it one day at a time. Not to look at the entire amount but to take just one lesson or quiz at a time. That helped some but soon the waves threatened to overtake her again.

I couldn't figure out how to help her. I knew the work needed to be done but at what cost? Then one day, I was sitting at her computer grading her lessons and started looking at her daily lesson load. I noticed that there was. A huge amount scheduled for each day. I didn't understand why... I started looking deeper into the setup of the term. Then it hit me!! We had scheduled her last day of school for the end of April! The program was trying too stuff everything into just a few weeks. At this rate, there was no way she would ever get caught up. No wonder she was feeling so hopeless.

Being the admin, I had the power to help! It was such a wonderful and a very simple thing to fix. I blocked out the days for Spring Break and then just added two weeks to the school year. All the red exclamation points that had been glaring at her were now gone. Her due dates has adjusted and balanced things out. It was almost like magic! The relief was physically visible on her face. Her step was lighter and her willingness to work hard was back.

Now she has the option to work hard and do extra. Staying on track or even ahead was now within her grasp. So over Spring Break, she did one lesson/quiz/test a day, giving herself the pleasure of being ahead. She is now empowered to be in control.

That day, it was definitely the teacher who learned the lesson. Thankfully, said teacher is willing to learn. ;)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hard Lesson

How do you teach your child something that you are still learning and still struggle to learn?

It is definitely not easy. Asking her to do the very thing that can reduce me to tears will most assuredly bring tears to her beautiful blue eyes.

On one hand, maybe she will learn earlier what her Momma is still struggling to learn. On the other hand, I know what is going through her head and how hard it is. This gives me the ability to be empathetic and hopefully help her all the while learning myself.

My sweet girl ... We will learn together and we WILL get through it!!

Monday, January 16, 2012


It is that time of year...the time when New Years resolutions are made. All of the stores have changed from Christmas sales to putting all their exercise equipment, clothing and gear on sale. Unfortunately, most of the equipment purchased will be used as a clothing rack or on Craigslist for sale by the end of February if not sooner.

Therefore, many people are resolving to do the exact same thing they tried to do the previous year? Why is that?

Lack of consistency! Most want a quick fix. An easy answer. But there isn't one. It takes hard work and lots of it. It has to become a way of life or failure will happen once again. Too many quit because it feels too hard. Believe me, some days are very hard and I have a struggle getting my workout in.

It takes 21 days to break a habit as well as start a new one. But too often, they can't or won't stick it out. Giving one excuse after another:

"It's too hard."
"I don't have time."
"I can't afford it."

Once excuses start rolling off the tongue, it is hard to stop them. It takes changing the mental tapes to an "I can" attitude or failure will be eminent.

Make a plan and then work your plan. Without a plan, you are setting yourself up for failure.

Make this a year of good choices.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year

Well, here we are on the brink of a brand new year. Fresh, new, and clean ... just waiting for all kinds of wonderful possibilities. It is easy to get melancholy about the year behind us but I would rather look ahead to the future. Fourteen years ago on New Years Day, I had my first date with my beloved hubby and I look forward to another year of being the best wife I can be! To be the loving support that lifts him up and helps him succeed at everything he undertakes to do and stand by his side as we walk together through this life. I also look forward to another year of watching my three beautiful children grow and learn. Watching them change into the wonderful young men and woman that God has intended for them to be! Feeling such motherly pride when I see them grow and mature almost overnight. I love my life!! I am blessed beyond all that I could imagine. I plan to continue working out and staying healthy, spend quality time with my wonderful family and enjoy every moment I can. Hubby has told me I am unsociable so My only "resolution" for this year is to spend more time with my girlfriends. Okay everyone ... Let's make it the best year yet. Make good choices in everything you do. <3

Thursday, December 1, 2011


What constitutes peace?  Is it different for each person or is a general feeling of serenity?

For me, peace is the harmony that I feel when everything is running smoothly.  That doesn't mean that we aren't busy or that the kids are being uber quiet, playing in seperate corners not being kids.  It is more like a feeling of balance ... a machine that is well oiled and running smoothly.

So how do you handle it when the delicate balance has been upset and it feels like someone is doing the scratch on a record album?  Do you ignore it in hopes that it will go away or right itself.  Or do you do everything in your power to restore the order?

This is the question that I have been asking myself.  There is nothing more wonderful that a peaceful home ... happy kids who are getting along, hubby home and relaxing, and a corner on the couch where I can snuggle with a cozy throw and a good book. 

However, I felt it necessary to bring an additional Jack Russell dog into our home.  I wanted Ethan to have a dog of his own.  (see previous story about Oliver)  Yet, I didn't really figure into the equation Elisabeth's cat and the fact that jacks like to chase and hunt.  Since Charlie has been here for three years, they are quasi friends.  Plus Lola (new dog) is older.  I have to give her credit...she is a relatively mellow dog and gets along well with the kids and Charlie.  So what am I to do?  Keep her and find the time to attempt to train her or find her another home?  UGH!!

So needless to say, I am working on restoring the peace and harmony balance in my home... wish me luck.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


The Thanksgiving holiday has passed and now we are gearing up for a very busy Christmas holiday.  Running around to different things...Nutcracker rehearsals and performances, shopping for gifts, as well as Christmas programs and parties to attend. 

But as we get so wrapped up in the things that we are doing it is important that we don't forget to continue to have a thankful heart.  Just because Thanksgiving is past doesn't mean that we stop being thankful.  We should always have an "Attitude of Gratitude."

Let's also remember not to forget the reason for the upcoming season.  Make the saying "Keep Christ in Christmas" more than just a slogan.  Without Christ there wouldn't be a need to even celebrate.